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Chores Help Kids in the Long Run

Dear Annie: I'm 74 years of age, and I rent a room from a lady who has a 15-year-old son. I pay $600 a month for rent. I pay her $350 in cash, and I work off the other $250 by cleaning and cooking. I vacuum and make her bed and clean the restrooms. I wash dishes and clean the kitchen. When I cook food, I always wash the dishes and put them away as I go. So, when the food is prepared, I put it in the oven and leave the kitchen spotless and the floors mopped and cleaned.
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Moore or Less

The 7-year-old girl was old enough to understand the simple event of what was going on behind the small frame farmhouse of the grandparents she was visiting west of Lyndon, Kansas. In a standard farm practice, pasture was being purposely burned on that day in April.
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Church Editorial

John 6-10 Jesus tells Peter he must allow Jesus to wash his feet to be clean. Then Jesus tells Peter that not all of them are clean. Jesus was referring to Judas who betrayed Jesus. Judas took a part in the ministry. Matthew 10:1-4 Jesus gave his twelve disciples the authority over unclean spirits and to heal. Judas was given these abilities as well. All that time spent with Jesus and somehow Judas does not get cleansed and eventually betrays Jesus. What happened?
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It Was a Good Day

It was a good day at the university. At the start of the day, the masked pro-Palestine student protesters were on bent knees, chalking their requests for a ceasefire on the ground. A military Humvee was parked next to the entrance of the student center, as the Pentagon had come recruiting that day. The university police were already slowly pulling through the parking lot.
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Letter to the Editor

April reminds us of our shared responsibility for the well-being and healthy development of children and families, which is crucial for the future health of Kansas. National Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month is a perfect time to emphasize that prevention thrives on collaboration.
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Dear Annie

Dear Annie: I’ve recently reconnected with a former co-worker with whom I had lost track of after her first husband committed suicide. She divorced her second husband when she found him in bed with another woman.
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Everyday Cheapskate

In the same way there are rules in life for things like how to drive a car, how to cook a meal or how to manage your money, there are a few simple rules for how to wash white clothes to keep them looking brilliant and clean. And if they happen to get a bit dull, gray or yellowed, there are rules for how to restore the brightness of washable white clothing, too.