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Call Me By My Name

Dear Annie: My daughter, "Connie," left home when she was at 17 to join the army. I was going through a separation, and then divorce, from her father. Before leaving, she was very unruly and hard to handle. So her father and I decided to sign her up for the army since she was underage. I still had a 16-year-old son at home to raise as well.
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How self-determination is changing elderly and disability care in the age of COVID-19

(BPT) - The threat of COVID-19 in nursing homes and assisted living facilities has led elderly individuals and people with disabilities or underlying health conditions to seek safer administration of their care. For some, the most desirable place to receive ongoing services is in their own homes. According to the CDC, in the age of COVID-19, your home is the safest place to be. Why then should care be any different?
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Moore or Less

It’s an odd connection, and I’ll pose it as a sort of riddle: What is the historical thread tying the tiny cabin southwest of Independence known simply as “Little House” to the gargantuan, world-famous attraction in South Dakota known as “Mount Rushmore”?
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Tech Talk with Ken

As we all now know, Microsoft has pretty much abandoned Windows 7 in an effort to move everyone to Windows 10. And although Windows 7 will still work and get security updates, I’m afraid that will soon end too. I have written in the past the downside to holding onto a Windows 7 computer or laptop but what begs the question, is what about those still using Windows 8 or 8.1?
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Church Editorial

THE CHURCH Let’s see if we can separate “church” from “religion,” because I think too many of us confuse the two. How do you perceive and how would you describe the church to someone who had never seen one? Suppose, for a moment, that you encountered a stranger and, in conversation, the subject got around to “church.” I doubt that would ever happen in the real world, but play along with me.
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My Husband the Creep

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for eight years. My first marriage ended because my ex was a serial cheater and allaround creep. “Mike” seemed to be the exact opposite. However, shortly after we were married, I found out he was checking out dating sites. I confronted him, and he deleted his accounts.