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The Happy Hustlers 4-H Club met Wednesday, May 1, at the Logan Park building for their monthly meeting. President Jacob Overall called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. The song leaders, Chesney Debo and Maci Ferguson, led the club in singing 'There was an old lady who ate a fly.' Roll call was 'What city were you born in,' answered by 13 members and three leaders. Coy Harris gave the treasurer's report. Cheroke Whinery gave the reporter's report.
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MONTGOMERY COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY Thursday, May 16, at 7:00 p.m., the Montgomery County Democratic Party will hold its monthly meeting at the CCC Walker Alumni Center in Coffeyville. The alumni center is located at 10th and Willow, directly across the street north of the public library.
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Upcoming Indian Education parent committee meeting

The regular scheduled meeting of the Johnson-O'Malley Parent Committee and the Title VI Indian Education Parent Committee will take place Wednesday, May 29 at the Field Kindley High School Library, located at 1110 West 8th Street in Coffeyville. The JOM meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m., followed by the Title VI parent meeting at 6:30.