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Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner

Like my garden, my mailbox is showing definite signs of spring. Just this week two beautifully addressed, thick envelopes showed up, both of them announcing graduation ceremonies -- one from high school, the other from college. However, neither even hinted at an invitation for me to give the commencement address. But had I been asked, I do have the world's shortest graduation speech ready to go: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE CLASS OF 2024, FACULTY, FRIENDS AND FAMILY: Today I would like to share with you seven things I wish I'd learned sooner. I cannot be sure that I would have paid attention, but there's a chance I might have. Now I offer you that same chance.
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The Peck Perspective

After overriding several of Governor Kelly’s vetoes, passing another good tax cut plan (SB 37) for all Kansans, and a largest-in-history state budget (HB 2551), the Kansas Legislature brought the gavel down on the 2024 Session on Tuesday, April 30th. Only the future will reveal just how successful the 2024 Session really was.
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Church Editorial

THE ELUSIVE SNIPE One of the rights of growing up in the country is to take a friend snipe hunting. You take an unsuspecting relative out in the field, at dusk, with a gunny sack waiting to catch the snipe that everyone but you knew wasn’t going to arrive.
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Trump in Contempt

A judge with a keen grasp of the obvious recently found possible felon/president Donald Trump in contempt. After 40 years as a reporter/ columnist, I haven't had to type 'possible felon/president' very much, but I didn't have to type 'climate change' or 'nonbinary' either.