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Ultraprocessed Food Manufacturers Should Not Be Permitted To Market to Children

My son brought home a bookmark from school promoting the school's spring book fair -- and it doubled as a coupon to a fast-food restaurant. This isn't the first 'free kid's meal' coupon my son has gotten. It's a pretty common thing, and after the book I just read, it annoys me.
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A Lack of Imagination

Some House Republicans have decided they will oust Speaker Mike Johnson. Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, among others, argue that the Democrats are already in control of the House by proxy, so make it reality. A sizable segment of the Republican base feels the same way. They lack the imagination to think of reality.
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Daughter Seeks Support, Not Judgment, from Mother

Dear Annie: My mother, who is now 62, has always been a dominant personality, keen on having things go her way. I’m 34, an independent graphic designer, and I pride myself on being self-sufficient and creative. But every time I share aspects of my life with her -- be it career choices, romantic partners or even smaller decisions like adopting a pet -- she critiques them, often unsolicitedly, making me second-guess my decisions. Her disapproval, which is always veiled as concern, is making me not want to be around her.
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Promotion Shifts Dynamics of Longtime Friendship

Dear Annie: My friend 'Emily' and I go way back to our college days, when we used to share absolutely everything with each other -- the good, the bad and the ugly. She recently got a promotion at work (she works for a well-known accounting firm), something I know she's been dreaming of for a while. Of course, I'm super happy for her, but things between us have kind of shifted since then.
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The Peck Perspective (From the Capitol)

Just prior to leaving the Capitol in early April for our April recess, two senators made separate motions to pull two failing bills, SB 135 and SB 355 out of the committee they were assigned to. By rule, the vote on such a motion will take place on the following legislative day, which in this case was after the 20-day recess. A motion to pull a bill out of committee takes 24 yes votes. If that motion is successful, it would almost assuredly be followed by another motion to put the bill on the Senate floor for debate and a final action vote, which takes 27 affirmative votes.